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Barrel Vault

Gerard Stone Coated Metal, Barrel Vault Tile gives you the look of high profile or S concrete tile, without the excessive weight or inherent problems associated conventional cement or clay based tile. Our stone coated steel roofing tiles will not only save you a lot of money over their lifetime, they will also always look as beautiful as the day they were installed, and add value to your home ! Unlike concrete, terracotta, or ceramic tile, all of which are not waterproof and rely heavily on tar paper under felt or vapor barrier, Gerard's stone coated steel Barrel Vault tiles are what is referred to as a dry under-deck system. You will also enjoy substantially better durability and protection against wind, fire and hail, increased energy performance, and increased home value.

Gerard's stone coated steel Barrel Vault roof tiles offer the best of all worlds delivering the strength, longevity, and weight advantages of metal roofing, with lasting beauty and style of traditional barrel tile.

Conventional cement or terracotta barrel tile is not water proof, and needs to be maintained / treated for mold and fungus growth, and, relies heavily on a vapor barrier underlayment to protect your roof deck from moisture. Our stone coated steel tiles are waterproof, and are categorized as a "dry under-deck" roofing system, keeping your roof deck dry year round under the most testing of conditions. With Gerard's stone coated tiles you wont need to treat for mold and fungus, and over the decades, your barrel tile style roof will look just as beautiful as the day it was installed.

Owners of our stone coated steel roofing products will also likely enjoy insurance premium reductions thanks to the fact that our metal roofing tiles will never break or blow off as do conventional cement or terracotta tiles. If you are interested in the look of a three-dimensional tile profile, please also consider Gerard Classic Tile, or Gerard Canyon Shake tile.

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